how to prepare your dog

How to prepare your dog for boarding?

There are some things you can do to help your dog have fun while you are away. This can help them settle quicker and have a happier time.

See a few practical tips below to prepare for the stay.

  • Encourage independent sleeping arrangements. If your dog sleeps in your bed or bedroom, move their bed out to the landing or to the kitchen/living room, start crate training. Being able to settle independently in a new environment is much harder if they can’t do that at home. Crate training is a great way of getting your dog being independent, that means when they go somewhere they will instantly feel at home, because taking a crate with them is easy-taking the whole house is impossible. It is like their own bedroom that travels with them. All dogs need uninterrupted sleep when they can recharge for the next day. We only take on crate trained dogs so we can separate and assure that no other dog will bother yours while they are having their beauty sleep.

  • Feed at set times. If your dog is a grazer who would snack on the kibble in the bowl all day long, we suggest to limit feeding time to once or twice a day. With other dogs around, grazing is not possible, so grazers often end up being confused and refusing to eat set meals. Set your dog up to success and feed them at set times instead of all day buffet.

  • Encourage neutrality with other dogs. Dogs don’t need to play with all other dogs all the time. Neutrality is the best thing you can aim for. At Quality Chops only the ones who can relax and chill in the house can hang out with the others. If they are not able to they will be moved to another room. Indoor time is relaxation time, while outdoor time is for exploring and playing.

  • Teach a reliable recall. Meanwhile this isn’t essential, it will open up the world for your dog. We go on big countryside adventures and the dogs who are able to be trusted off lead run and enjoy the off lead adventure for hours. We are happy to have dogs on lead for these walks, but from your dog’s point of view, i am sure they would love to run free with the pack.

  • Teach an off switch and/or place a stay. Teaching your dog to stay on their place and relax will help them to be able to stay calm anywhere and everywhere.

  • If your dog is scared of things, like vets or reactive in any way that could end up snapping at others, please muzzle condition them with loads of positive reinforcement, and bring their muzzle with them for their stay.

  • Loose lead walking. We take out 6-8 dogs at the time for walks, if your one dog can pull you away and unable to walk on a lead then imagine when we have 6 others, it’s also no fun for the dog either so please spend time on teaching your dog to walk nicely on the lead.

  • Drive your dog to places in a crate. Our vans are built in with crates and all dogs travel in a secure crate with ventilation and water. It is always sad to see dogs being freaked out by the vehicle or the crate so if possible spend some time building up to it.

  • Be honest about everything. If your dog is scared of people and would bite them then please be honest about it on the contact form and at the meet and greet so we don’t waste each other’s time. If they have behaviour issues or anxieties please let us know so we can do our best to help them to have a pleasant stay with us.

  • All dogs coming for daycare or boarding MUST HAVE Kennel Cough vaccination at least 2 weeks prior to their stay.

We want all dogs to have a great time while they stay with us. Our priority is their well being and safety!