Terms and conditions

Before we consider a dog for any of our services, a meet and greet/consultation must be carried out. This is to check compatibility of our own dog with yours.

During our meet and greet we will discuss: medical/vaccinations, history, behaviours, enrichment, exercise, food, diet, boarding details. Aside from this form there will be other forms you need to fill in and sign. Please bring your dog’s vaccination card, insurance details with you. If your dog was born abroad, or has travelled abroad, we will need to see their passport too and vaccinations. It is you the owner’s responsibility to provide comprehensive details about your dog, and to be completely honest about any traits, vices or behavioural problems, both positive and negative (however small).

We rely on this information to be able to manage any issues and provide a good experience and quality of service for your dog. Any misinformation may jeopardize your dog’s stay with us. As we live in a built-up area, we cannot take dogs who excessively bark or whine, or suffer from separation anxiety, as it is inconsiderate to our neighbours. We also do not take dogs who mark their territory indoors or are aggressive in any way. Each dog will be assessed during this meet and greet and any trials. We may need to contact you if your dog exhibits any behaviours not previously disclosed.

Accepting new clients - Meet & Greet

If your dog has not visited us before then, prior to accepting your first booking for daycare or boarding, we need to arrange an initial 'Meet & Greet' appointment. This is where you bring your dog to a neutral place (Fairford Leys Park) for a short visit to meet us, and which enables us to gain a brief insight into the behaviour of your dog. It gives your dog the occasion to meet our dogs and have a lovely on-lead walk and if we both agree and safe to do so an off lead sniff around. It also offers you the opportunity to see what we can provide and chat about your requirements. Meet and greet is chargeable at £25 which will be credited towards the first service booked.


All new dogs who are going to use our service for overnight boarding must have a trial overnight stay, if they are boarding for more than 2 nights. This allows us to observe the dog’s behaviour and to evaluate whether they are compatible with us, and with our resident dogs and whether they are happy in a new environment.

We want all dogs to have a positive experience with us. In our experience dogs will behave and cope differently in the absence of their owners and in a new, unknown environment, even if they have boarded elsewhere. Any trial is charged at the standard overnight rate. If the trial is not successful, we will destroy all records and support you to find the right licensed environment for your dog.


All new dogs to day care must have a trial visit to check compatibility. This is charged at our standard daycare rate.

Registration Form

Before your dog arrives for its first stay, you will be required to complete a registration form and return it to us via email along with a copy of your dog's latest vaccination records.  You only need to complete the registration form once and we will need the completed form returned to us as soon as possible so we can discuss any questions or issues raised before the start of your dog's trial stay or booking.  It is important that the information you provide is correct and complete. This will help us to understand your dog better when it stays with us.

The registration form will be kept on file for repeat services therefore please let us know of any relevant changes to your circumstances in writing. By completing the registration Form you will be confirming that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions and that we may rely on the information provided in it, and as subsequently updated by you, if applicable.

Kennel Cough vaccine

At Quality Chops Pet Services we require ALL dogs to have a yearly Kennel Cough vaccine and at least 2 weeks before any service.


Please see our current pricing of our services

There is a £10 surcharge for any puppies under the age of 8 months for daycare or boarding.

There is a £10 discount per dog per day for any boarding dog from the same household.

We do offer a collection/drop off service for day care and boarding. The Charge for pickup and drop off by Quality chops is £0.50/mile with a minimum charge of £5. This must be pre booked and is subject to availability.

Peak rates are applicable to boarding for all Bank holidays and school holidays, please see our current price list for more details.

Peak rates are applicable to daycare for all Bank holidays and school holidays, please see our current price list for more details.

Please be aware that we are limited to numbers under License, so there may not be much flexibility or availability. (We do try to be flexible, where possible, to meet owners needs)


Morning drop-off time: between 7.30am-9am

Afternoon collection time: between 4.30pm-6pm

If the drop off and/or pickup Is out of these hours, an additional extension rate is applicable of £5/15 minutes. If you collect after 8pm an overnight stay will be charged.


Drop Off time: between 4.30pm and 6pm.

Collection time: between 7.30am and 9am.

Additional charges apply if you would like to drop off your dog in the morning slot of the first day or collect in the afternoon slot on the final day. This is charged at a daycare rate and must be booked in advance.

If the drop off and/or pickup Is out of these hours, an additional extension rate is applicable of £5/15 minutes. If you collect after 8pm an overnight stay will be charged.


Without an emergency / secondary contact we unfortunately cannot board your dog. Your second contact must be someone who does not live with you where possible.

In the event that you do not come to collect your dog on the collection date agreed, unless we have been contacted and advised in advance, your nominated person will be contacted to collect your dog. If they fail to collect, and we have not been contacted by the nominated person then the dog warden or rescue centre will be contacted.

In the case of an emergency medical situation, we will make every effort to contact you before taking your dog to the vet.  If we can't get hold of you, your Emergency contact will act as your spokesperson on your behalf.  Please ensure the person you nominate is made fully aware of their responsibilities in that they may be contacted, if necessary, to make health and welfare decisions about your dog on your behalf.  Please also ensure this person will:-

a) not be away on holiday with you

b) not be away themselves for the duration of your holiday

PLEASE NOTE - If we are unable to reach you or your Emergency Contact, you agree we are authorized to seek veterinary care and transport your dog to the nearest or most appropriate vet for treatment. In any event, you agree to accept responsibility for, and agree to bear, all financial veterinary costs and will make payment directly to the vet if veterinary treatment is provided for your dog arising from emergency medical care judged to be medically necessary by the attending vet.  

In the case of a situation where we need to remove your dog from our home prior to the end of your dog's stay for it's own safety or for the safety of other dogs, we will need to contact you or your Emergency Contact to come and collect your dog.  Please ensure the person you nominated person is made fully aware of their responsibilities in that they will:-

a) not be away when you are

b) must be within a reasonable driving distance from Quality Chops Pet Services

c) they are prepared to collect and accommodate your dog for the remainder of your holiday if they are called upon to do so.

If this person refuses to collect or accommodate your dog in an emergency, we reserve the right to place your dog in the care of the dog warden who will source alternative foster care for your dog until your return - upon which you will then need to contact the dog warden yourself to retrieve your dog and pay whatever charges are incurred.


School holidays, particularly Easter, Christmas and during summer is a very busy time for us so we recommend that you confirm any dates for boarding as soon as possible. Bookings are not confirmed until the booking fee has been paid. We cannot hold bookings without a booking fee.


A non-refundable booking fee of 50% is required to confirm a booking and hold a space. Full payments for the booking must be made at least 14 days prior to arrival. If your boarding is within 14 days, full amount payable to secure the space for your dog

Late payments may jeopardies your booking, and you may need to source an alternative option.


Quality Chops Pet Services is a licensed company, so spaces are limited for both boarding and daycare. If you need to cancel please provide as much notice as possible in writing directly to Quality Chops Pet Services.

Please note that the booking fee is non-refundable.

If you provide less than 14 days’ notice from the first day of any booking, regular or pre-booked slot we reserve the right to charge you in full for that booking.


Quality Chops Pet Services is a licensed company, so spaces are limited for both boarding and daycare. If you need to cancel daycare please provide as much notice in writing directly to Quality Chops Pet Services.

If you provide over 14 days notice you will not be expected to pay anything. If you provide less than 14 days notice for a regular or pre-booked slot we reserve the right to charge you for that full day.

Unsociable/Unacceptable Behaviours

Unsociable/unacceptable behaviours are those which have a negative impact on other dogs/humans where it may be necessary to isolate your dog from the group in order to preserve the safety, happiness and well-being of the other dogs staying within our home and prevent potentially more serious issues arising. Dogs are living creatures with temperament which may change from one second to another, please understand your dog might display behaviours around certain dogs which they have never before.

We want all our guest dogs (and the resident ones too of course as this is their home) to enjoy their time here in a safe, relaxed and harmoniously happy environment. No owner can be 100% certain how their dog is going to behave in a different environment, in the company of other unfamiliar guest dogs and without the owner present. There is always a risk that an issue may arise where your dog may act in an unexpected or unpredictable manner not familiar to you. So, if your dog poses a threat we reserve the right to cancel the remainder of your booking and request that you or your Emergency contact collect your dog immediately.  If this happens, we won’t be able to give a refund for the remaining time.

Examples (but not limited to):

* Guarding aggression or possession (over toys, food or a bonded second dog from the same household).

* Excessive humping of other dogs.

* Continual scent-marking in the home.

* Dominance - challenging and dominating any other dog in play, sleeping-places, food, toys.

* Excessive or continuous barking (we are still a home with nearby neighbours!)

* If your dog will not allow itself to be approached, touched, handled or picked up when needed.

* Aggression shown to humans or other dogs (growling at a human is a complete ban)

* Refusal to comply with human requests without bribery (recall, moving off furniture, coming indoors etc, and therefore cannot be controlled if necessary to do so in an emergency.)

* Has no basic manners or respect for other dogs/humans in a home environment (untrained, 'wired', hyper/non-stop).

* Not house-trained (young dogs under 1 year old excluded from this).

*Continuous soiling, peeing in the house

*Destroying thigs in the house


If you fail to disclose any negative behavioural problems during the meet and greet, or 7 days prior to the intended stay, should your dog show any sustained aggressive tendencies, bites our dog, other dogs or humans, is continually uncontrollable, destructive or shows unreasonable behaviour, (including continuous mounting/marking, pestering other dogs) the boarding agreement will be terminated with immediate effect. You will be advised accordingly, however this may be less than 24 hours’ notice. You accept that your dog will be placed in an appropriate local pet boarding/kennels, or with your emergency contact. A £50.00 transfer charge will be applicable. Any costs incurred for the alternative boarding/kennel will be your responsibility.

You also agree to pay the cost of any injury/damage caused by your animal to us, our home, our dog, or other boarders.

If we have to terminate your dog’s daycare or boarding because of unacceptable behaviour, there will be no refund given.


Owners must provide their dog's own food with complete feeding instructions. Please ensure we know how often your animal needs feeding, as well as if they are fussy eaters, graze or sometimes don’t eat. A puppy requires extra feeding throughout the day. The owner’s routine will be adhered to where possible. All dogs will be separated into different areas when being fed, to avoid aggression or competition (by means of doors or baby-gates). If there are two or more dogs from the same household boarding and you wish for them to be fed together in the same room, please advise us prior to your dog's stay.

We have suitable facilities including fridges and freezers to store your pet’s food. We also provide feeding and water bowls.

Sleeping arrangements

To enable your dog to feel as much at home here, we will do our best to emulate what your dog does at home.  So, whether your dog sleeps downstairs, upstairs, in its own bed, in a crate etc, then that's we'll do here. We love it when dogs bring their own beds, crates, blankets, favourite toys etc. But please be advised, any damage or destruction of property due to everyday dog fun and antics will be considered accidental and not replaced or reimbursed by Quality Chops Pet Services.  We have lots of our own soft cuddly beds, blankets, throws, pillows, toys etc so if you'd prefer to leave your dog's favourite things at home, that's fine too.


We insist on all dogs having current annual booster vaccinations before boarding with us, and puppies to have had their second course of vaccinations. (This is required for our business insurance and as part of our license provided by the council.) All dogs must have their kennel cough (KC) vaccination, and at least 2 weeks prior to arrival of their holiday with us. This is for the protection of your dog, our dog, all other boarders and any dogs they may come in contact with. Where this has not been possible, you are required to sign a disclaimer. We currently do not take titre tested only dogs. Your dog must have been appropriately treated for internal parasites with an appropriate product authorized by VMD UK and in accordance with veterinary advice before any entry to home boarding, whether it be for overnight or day care.

At our meet and greet (where possible) you are required to bring the vaccination booklet so we can keep a copy on record, or you can send us photographic evidence of your dog’s vaccinations via WhatsApp. Further proof of vaccinations and treatments may be requested and must be presented no later than 14 days before arrival, via e-mail, text, WhatsApp.

Failure to produce a copy of the vaccination record will jeopardize your booking. We do not take dogs that have been ill within the last 24 hours, nor a dog who has had an infectious disease within 30 days prior to boarding. Failure to disclose any illnesses will jeopardize your dog’s stay. If your dog is infected and spreads it to others, you will be liable for any vet costs to any other owner and myself. It is your responsibility that your dog is healthy enough to board.

Should anything happen to your dog whilst in daycare you will be notified ASAP, and everything will be done in our power to manage the situation. Quality Chops Pet Services is fully insured, but noting that dogs will be dogs, and they can play roughly, if your dog is hurt i.e. cut paw, ripped claw, or an accidental puncture wound from playing, you will be notified, and if a vet visit is required during daycare you may be expected to attend and you must make payment directly to the vets. We are constantly with the dogs during the day/night so we are on hand to manage any situation. If we do need to go out and leave the dogs briefly, they will be placed in separate rooms (as per regulations). If death is a possibility during daycare (due to illness/old age etc.) please notify Quality Chops Pet Services in writing and agree arrangements for care.


We do take entire males however this with be based on a behavioral consultation at the meet and greet, we may need to separate them from our resident dogs and walk them with selected dogs. It is natural for entire males to try to “test” other males and if they have never stayed anywhere else with entire males it might be surprising to see some behaviors which they do not show at home. If anything goes wrong/the dog does not fit in well with the pack we will either have to separate him or end the trial/boarding.

We take unspayed females until their second season. After the second season we only take females spayed.

If your unspayed female comes into season:

* Before the commencement of her stay, then we will be unable to accept her for at least 30 days after she starts her season.  This means your booking will have to be cancelled.  If this happens, please see our Cancellation Policy.

* During her stay, then we will have to request that you or your Emergency contact to come and collect your girl as soon as possible.  This means the remainder of your booking will have to be cancelled.  If this happens, please see our Cancellation Policy.

By making payment/s to secure a booking, you are confirming you are happy to take the risk that your intact female may come into season at the time of your booking which means your booking cannot proceed, and you do so on the understanding that your payment/s will not be refunded or transferred to another booking. Please see our Cancellation Policy. 

Please be aware all dog’s behavior is different in a new environment and may/will not be the same as they are at your home.


We will only let your dog off lead if/when we feel comfortable and confident to do so. If it is your dog’s first stay with us or they have not been for a while, we will work up to them being off-lead if you have signed the owner’s permission. (Starting on lead, to a long line attached to us, to unattached longline, to off lead entirely) Your dog(s) will be put back on a lead if we feel the dog(s) are not responding to my commands, even where consent for off lead exercise had been granted by owners. If a dog is boisterous or does not know how to interact with other dogs, it will stay on the lead until responsive enough to be able to let off. Even if the consent is signed your dog might not be let off lead while with us depending on places we walk and scenarios.

Our priority is to keep ALL dogs safe.


We are experienced in giving tablet and liquid medication orally or ear/eye drops. If your dog is on alternative medicines (such as Joint Care, Dental Plaque off, Pad Balm) you will need to tell us in writing clear instructions on how and when to administer these and they must be in original packaging.


Please ensure your dog has had its nails clipped and filed to remove rough/sharp edges, before boarding with us to avoid accidental injury to humans or other dogs. If you want us to trim/clip your dog’s nails while they are with us we can do this for a charge of £20.


We are registered with our local veterinary practice at Hampdens Veterinary hospital, Anchor Ln, Aylesbury, HP20 1AJ, 01296423666. It is your responsibility to contact your veterinary practice prior to the booking to inform them that your dog will be boarding with us.

If your dog becomes ill or injured while boarding with us, it will be necessary for us to contact your vets for advice or if necessary to take them in for a medical appointment at our registered vet, if you live outside a 5 mile radius of Quality Chops Pet Services. If you request, we will contact you (if possible) in the first instance prior to contacting the vet. We request that you sign our Veterinary Release consent which allows us to approve necessary treatment, up to a certain amount; and you, as the owner will assume full responsibility and pay for any required treatment. You agree that Quality Chops Pet Services is authorized either to take your dog to our registered veterinary practice for treatment, or to yours depending on distance. Quality Chops Pet Services can not be held responsible for any veterinary treatment that may result in loss, injury or death of your dog.


All Dogs must be insured to use our services. We will ask you, the owner, to bring your dog’s insurance details to our meet and greet so that we can keep the details on file.


All dogs by law, must wear a well fitted collar (that they can not free themselves from) with an ID tag. We will provide your dog with one of our own collars and ID tags during their stay with us. If your dog wears any specific collars on walks/lead walking, please bring it with them for their stay.


Your dog will receive up to 2 daily walks during their stay; (where temperatures allow). All dogs will be walked on a lead when they are out, unless you have given signed consent that they can be off lead at certain times.


We will provide a loving and caring home from home environment where we will treat your dog as part of our extended family. They will not be left alone during their stay – daycare or home boarding. We will provide safety, security, mental stimulation, basic command training, nutrition, adventures, entertainment, physical exercise, enrichment, companionship, socialize them with other dogs, and humans and nurture them. We will interact with them, feed them and make sure they always have fresh water and provide them with any medication required. They will also have free roam of our house and garden which is enclosed, safe and secure. We will implement structure during the day, and after a long countryside walk and enrichment time dogs will settle in their own places/crates. I will maintain training, give outdoor freedom and indoor structure to your dog. I will send you daily updates on WhatsApp about your dog.


I want your dog to have a positive experience in our home, with our resident dogs and others that may be staying with us. We are experienced to handle dogs, have understanding of canine body language, and mitigate risks. However, if at any time. your dog displays any negative behaviors that can not be managed we will talk to you about the next steps. If we feel that your dog is no longer enjoying their time with us or is no longer compatible we will support you to find other licensed borders and support you to network with other professionals if necessary. (Trainers, Behaviorists, Nutritionists) We do not want any dog to have a negative experience in their life.

We also think it is healthy to have a secondary licensed business to support you should we not have availability. If I see any behavioral issues which need addressing by a trainer, I will feed back to you and also give you recommendations for trusted trainers to help with the issues.


All food is to be provided by the owner (please ensure you bring enough for their entire stay), If they are fussy eaters, and where you have agreed, we will purchase a different type of food, to which we will invoice you for. Please also bring bedding, dog chews, harnesses and or transport harness, collars, treats and any relevant medication or training tools you are using with your dog.


All clients must complete and sign all relevant paperwork, including our terms and conditions, dog boarding/daycare registration form, which includes the veterinary release form and owner’s permissions (compliancy of Animal Welfare regulations), by signing the dog boarding/daycare registration form and any other necessary forms that pertain to Quality Chops Pet Services, you agree to accept, and are contractually bound by our terms and conditions. You also agree that the information recorded on the document before and where possible during our meet and greet is accurate.


All businesses that provide boarding or daycare services, whether it is a kennel or in a home setting,(not the dog’s own home), must be licensed under the Animal Welfare Act (1963) and comply with the regulations set under The Animal Welfare Regulation 2018.

Quality Chops Pet Services

● Is Licensed by Buckinghamshire Council and have been awarded a 2 year, 4 star license.
LICENSE No: LC202209-79402 and therefore, we are trading legally and are registered with the council.

● are insured for Public Liability.

● holds an Ofqual accredited Level 3 qualification in Professional Daycare and Boarding (IMDT)

● holds a long library list of CPD and is always learning and gaining knowledge relevant to practice.

● holds a certificate for Animal First Aid and Canine Body Language and by leaving your dog with a Licensed business means that your own Pet Insurance and our Business Insurance is protected.


Client confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Your details will be kept private and will never be used for any purpose other than caring for your dog.


We are open throughout the year, although we will inform our regular clients of any vacation dates in advance.

DAILY RESTRICTIONS (Number of boarding and Daycare dogs)

Our boarding license dictates the numbers we can have on any given day which includes 4-5spaces for regular day care/ day boarding. We operate on a first come (booking fee paid), first served basis. Should we have full capacity, we will recommend other licensed borders.

Our Terms and Conditions are at times reviewed and updated. We will ensure you receive an updated version and you will be required to sign a new copy when we next board your dog.

Reservation of rights

We may refuse to provide services in respect of any dog and reserve the right to withdraw services from any customer or dog at any time without prior warning. Although we are not legally required to provide Terms & Conditions, we have provided our Terms & Conditions for clarity. Provision of any services implies you have understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions may be subject to change at any time without prior notification.


We are usually fully booked for weeks ahead, If you need to cancel please provide as much notice as possible in writing directly to Quality Chops Pet Services.


Pre-arranged day train slots must be cancelled 7 days before for full refund. After 7 days we are not able to give a refund.

Walk the owner

Cancellation period for walk the owner sessions is 72 hours. If you cancel our upcoming session in less than 72 hours, there will be no refund given.

Board and train

If you need to cancel your pre-booked board and train service please do this at least 2 weeks before starting date and then we will refund you 50% of the full price. The booking fee is non refundable.

Social walk, puppy walk

Please give us 72 hours if you need to cancel your walk.

Private lesson/consultation

We require 72 hours notice for cancellation.