Meet the Team

We are Eszter and Graham and our two Hungarian vizslas, Marvin and Bobby. Our real love for big walks, dog training and dogs started with Marvin our first vizsla.

Both of us worked in hospitality and finance for many years (that’s how we met) before deciding to leave it all behind and put all our love and energies into something we love, looking after and training dogs and just spending every day with animals. Graham used to be an operations director so he is bringing all the skills to the day to day tasks and having everything organized at Quality Chops to ensure everything goes smoothly. He has a vast knowledge of logistics and finances which really helps us to be able to run the business successfully.

Eszter worked in finance and worked at a desk 9-5 which made her want to be outside with her dogs and when her employer told her to go back to the office full time she took the risk and Quality Chops was born. We could start by saying that “Eszter always had a love for dogs since she was a child…” which wouldn’t be a lie but won’t bore you with that. When we got our dog Marvin we put a lot of time and effort in training him and raising him to be a polite and well behaved dog so when we looked for somewhere to send him locally while we are in the office and we couldn’t find anywhere.

We didn’t want a free for all and wanted a safe environment where someone advocates for him and he also have some down time during the day. Because it wasn’t existing in our area we decided to take the big step and create it ourselves.

These days you will find us on a field somewhere in the middle of nowhere surrounded by dogs or doing walk and trains and group classes. We love to build bond with every single one of the dogs and will spend a lot of time getting to know them individually. We are both focusing on training a lot and constantly learning more about dogs which helps us provide the best possible service we can. We are both volunteers for Vizsla Rescue UK and Pets as Therapy.


Our first vizsla and the dog who made us fall in love with dog training, big adventure walks and made us learn about dogs. He loves swimming more than anything else so we often take our boarding/daycare dogs to doggy swimming pool. Complex personality, very sensitive and loving but needs the boundaries and structure. He is now attending agility with Graham weekly which he very much enjoys and hope to compete one day. You will most probably meet him either at a meet and greet or one of our group classes.


Marvin’s brother from the same parents makes our team whole. He brings all the laughs to the day with his unique facial expressions while being the most engaging boy a dog owner can ask for. Bobby is now a certified Pets As Therapy volunteer dog and attends hospitals and schools with Eszter and Graham to cheer people up. He also progressed to advanced detection dog class which he enjoys very much. You will most probably meet him at our meet and greet or at our group classes.